Stuffed peppers have a long and diverse history, with variations appearing in cuisines across the globe.
The concept of stuffing vegetables is centuries old, and peppers, which are native to the Americas, are a popular choice due to their hollow cavity and bitter flavor.
Countries in the Mediterranean and Middle East stuff their peppers with rice, herbs and sometimes ground meat.
In Eastern Europe, stuffed peppers are typically filled with ground pork or beef, rice, and spices, then simmered in a tomato-based sauce.
Mexico’s chile relleno consists of a poblano pepper stuffed with cheese or other fillings.
In Appalachia, “mangoes” are used.
No, not those kind.
In parts of Ohio, Kentucky, and West Virginia, older generations sometimes refer to bell peppers as “mangoes.”
This unusual term dates back to at least the 19th century and has roots in food preservation methods.
“When mango fruits were first imported to the United States, they had to be pickled, since there weren’t any refrigerators. This was true of many other fruits and vegetables that weren’t native to North America, so many of them were also pickled,” according to
“Eventually, “mango” referred to anything that was pickled, which included green peppers. As the veggies became more popular, ‘mango’ just became synonymous with ‘green pepper,’ and it’s stuck in some of the midwest states.”
People mistook the term mango as the process, rather than the fruit, according to Lori Fogg, author of the food blog, A Coalcracker in the Kitchen:
“Some seem to think that this originated with coal miners in eastern Pennsylvania in the 1870s. The Pennsylvania Board of Agriculture referred to them as mango peppers in 1879, and the Ohio Board of Agriculture referred to them the same in their 1896 annual report.”
“Many old local recipes call for ‘mangoes’ when really meaning green peppers. In Cincinnati, in the Forest Hills School district in the 1960s and ‘70s, the term ‘stuffed mangoes’ was used on the school menu.”
Now, it’s less common to see the word “mango” used for green peppers in our region. But stuffing them remains a staple in Appalachian cuisine.
Like any good recipe that stands the test of time in Appalachia, stuffed peppers draw on a few key characteristics: local foods, hearty ingredients, preservation and practicality.
Appalachian cooking is known for making the most of what’s available. Stuffed peppers allow families to stretch ground meat by mixing it with rice or breadcrumbs, making an affordable and filling meal.
Even if it doesn’t contain mangoes.
The 2025 Winter Blues Farmers Market had 126 vendors (including 47 first timers), and 6,000 shoppers. The sales total for the market - $207,000-plus!
Blessed-Full Farm/Crago Country Farm - Devoured a plump pepperoni roll with cheese from here.
Bop and Nana's Bakery and Catering, LLC
Deskins Wholesale, LLC
Flying Dollar Farm/Sycamore Creek Sweets - I got some chocolate-covered potato chips from here that I've been snacking on.
Gibson's Goodies - Snagged a cookies & cream fudge bar from here.
Gourmet Granny
Gritt's Farm
Handmade WV Market
Honey Do Farms
Jessica McCallister
Kelly's Fresh Produce & More
Kristi Ann's Bakery
L&C Fudgery
Legacy Foods
Mama Faye's Fudge and Confections
Mamsie's Kitchen - I picked up a pepperoni roll and a cheese roll here that I'm excited to try.
Nana's Kitchen
Pixie Sweets - I purchased some out-of-this-world marshmallows from here. Post Malone Oreo, salted caramel, Alani sunrise and fruity cereal.
Runway Farm
St. Albans Farmers Market
Sycamore Farms & Primitives
Sweet Serendipity Bakery - the mini pineapple upside down cake was the first thing I dug into when I got home.
Tawna's Kitchen - chocolate covered Oreos from here!
The Sourdough Effect
The Wild Ramp
Tibbenham's Chocolatesof WV, LLC
Triple B Eatery
Whimsy and Willows Market
Wild Crumb Bakery
Wildlee Made
Willow Brook Farm and Woodcrafts
Bath & Body / Candles
Almost Heaven Soaps
Appalachian Botanical Co., LLC
Blessings Farm WV
Brookstone Soaps, LLC
Cozy Country Farm
Elk River Candle
Farm Yard Fresh
Hill and Holler Herbal Company
Honey Do Farm - I had to get some pepperoni rolls from here to try!
Middle Mountain Farmstead
North Mountain Apothecary
On the Go Soaps
The Wild Ramp
T.L Soaps
Twisted Chicken Farm
Wild Mountain Soap Company
WV Herb Association, Inc.
Genesis Mountain Farm, LLC
Bella & Beaus Biscuits
The Happy Hound
Canned Goods/ Jams and Jellies
Blessings Farm WV
Clara's Gourmet, LLC
Dark Hollow Foods
Farm Yard Fresh
Handmade WV Market
JarHead Farms
KK's Kitchen - Cowboy candy are pickled jalapenos, and boy do they have a kick!
Kelly's Fresh Produce & More
Novak Farms
Tarbillly's BBQ
Tipsy Roo's, LLC
Tyler Creek Farm
Uncle Frankie's
Williams River Farm
Maple and Honey
Oldham Sugar Works
Ronk Family Maple Farm
Sarah Carter/Lavender Hill Roost
Treats From Trees
Double D's Bees
Farm Yard Fresh
Howe Sweet It is
Oldham Sugar Works
R&A Honey Bees, LLC
Rimfire Apiary
Schamberger Honey
Sugar Bottom Farm
The Potager Farm
Tyler Creek Farm
Woodhaven Farm
Almost Heaven Loose Leaf Tea
Angie's What's Poppin' Shoppe
Arbaugh Farms
Aunt Bean's Gourmet Popcorn, LLC
Barefoot and Brazen
Blue Thistle Fibers
Boone Memorial Health
Bugtussle Farm Burnt Creations
Cereally Delicious
Elk River Candle
Front Porch Gifts
Hill and Holler Herbal Company
J.Q. Dickinson Salt-Works
Manna Meal Community Garden
Moonraker Alpaca Farm
Mountain Juice WV, LLC
Mountain Mama Crochet
Rustic Miner - One of my favs of the day! I bought every kinf of spice blend to try them all out!
St. Albans Farmers Market
Sassy Gals Gourmet Treats
Solar Holler
Sycamore Farms & Primitives
The WV Pickle Guy - I tried the cherry Kool-aid, which was interesting. I also tried the Juicy Fruit (no go), Bloody Mary (not bad) and got a pint of the ranch.
Tower Garden/Ilar Homestead
Uncle Bunk's, LLC
Villa DiTrapano, Inc.
We B Fryin Snacks, LLC
WV Herb Association, Inc.
Meat and Dairy
Angelos Food Products, LLC
Cozy Country Farm
Critchley Farms - I picked up some freeze-dried fruity snacks here.
Lost River Butcher Block - I bought some summer sausage, beef jerky, and snack sticks here.
Novak Farms
Perk Farm Organic Dairy - I enjoyed some samples of gouda, farmstead and cheddar. All of which were delish.
Quicken Farms
Taylor Custom Meats
Waymaker's Meadows, LLC
Willow Brook Farm and Woodcrafts - I picked up some duck egg noodles that I can't wait to try!
Produce and Plants
Blooming Blessings Nursery
Ellison's Mountain Heritage Nursery
Green Thumb Botanicals
Gritt's Farm
Leslie Drake
Manna Meal Community Garden
Mon Valley Mushrooms, LLC
Mountain State Fungi - They were out of their mushrooms when I stopped by, but I hope to try them soon.
Plant Parenthood, LLC
Sassafrass Mountain Farm
Spring Valley Farm & Orchard
T.L. Fruits & Vegetables, LLC
Terra Fate, LLC
Uncle Bunk's, LLC
Villa DiTrapano, Inc.
We B Fryin Snacks, LLC
West Virginia Farmers Market Association
WV Herb Association, Inc.
Freeze Dried Treats
Buffalo Creek Provisions - They smoke their own cheese here, so I picked up two snack sticks to try.
DARN Good Candy
Harvest Trails Co.
Mike's Munchies, LLC
TC Treats
Treats from Trees - I purchased some dried sweet dark cherries
Aroma of the Andes Bean Theory Coffee
Mountain Table, LLC
The Black Dog Coffee Company
Bop and Nana's Bakery and Catering, LLC
Deskins Wholesale, LLC
Gourmet Granny
Gritt's Farm
Handmade WV Market
Honey Do Farms
Jessica McCallister
Kristi Ann's Bakery
L&C Fudgery
Legacy Foods
Mama Faye's Fudge and Confections
Nana's Kitchen
St. Albans Farmers Market
Sycamore Farms & Primitives
The Wild Ramp
Tibbenham's Chocolatesof WV, LLC
Triple B Eatery
Willow Brook Farm and Woodcrafts
Bath & Body / Candles
Almost Heaven Soaps
Appalachian Botanical Co., LLC
Brookstone Soaps, LLC
Cozy Country Farm
Elk River Candle
Hill and Holler Herbal Company
North Mountain Apothecary
On the Go Soaps
The Wild Ramp
T.L Soaps
Wild Mountain Soap Company
WV Herb Association, Inc.
Genesis Mountain Farm, LLC
Bella & Beaus Biscuits
The Happy Hound
Canned Goods/ Jams and Jellies
Blessings Farm WV
Clara's Gourmet, LLC
Dark Hollow Foods
Farm Yard Fresh
JarHead Farms
Novak Farms
Tarbillly's BBQ
Tipsy Roo's, LLC
Uncle Frankie's
Maple and Honey
Ronk Family Maple Farm
Double D's Bees
Farm Yard Fresh
Howe Sweet It is
Oldham Sugar Works
R&A Honey Bees, LLC
Rimfire Apiary
Sugar Bottom Farm
The Potager Farm
Tyler Creek Farm
Angie's What's Poppin' Shoppe
Arbaugh Farms
Aunt Bean's Gourmet Popcorn, LLC
Barefoot and Brazen
Blue Thistle Fibers
Boone Memorial Health
Bugtussle Farm Burnt Creations
Cereally Delicious
Elk River Candle
Front Porch Gifts
Hill and Holler Herbal Company
J.Q. Dickinson Salt-Works
Manna Meal Community Garden
Moonraker Alpaca Farm
Mountain Juice WV, LLC
Mountain Mama Crochet
St. Albans Farmers Market
Sassy Gals Gourmet Treats
Solar Holler
Sycamore Farms & Primitives
Uncle Bunk's, LLC
Villa DiTrapano, Inc.
We B Fryin Snacks, LLC
WV Herb Association, Inc.
Meat and Dairy
Angelos Food Products, LLC
Waymaker's Meadows, LLC
Produce and Plants
Ellison's Mountain Heritage Nursery
Green Thumb Botanicals
Gritt's Farm
Leslie Drake
Manna Meal Community Garden
Mon Valley Mushrooms, LLC
Plant Parenthood, LLC
T.L. Fruits & Vegetables, LLC
Terra Fate, LLC
Uncle Bunk's, LLC
Villa DiTrapano, Inc.
We B Fryin Snacks, LLC
West Virginia Farmers Market Association
WV Herb Association, Inc.
Freeze Dried Treats
DARN Good Candy
Mike's Munchies, LLC
TC Treats
Aroma of the Andes Bean Theory Coffee
Mountain Table, LLC
The Black Dog Coffee Company
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