Shari's Cafe & Pies is a chain of family dining restaurants based in the western United States and features its award-winning pies.

The Red Bluff, California, building has an odd hexagonal shape, and when you enter, you are greeted with a wide display of pies.

I started with a strawberry lemonade, which was perfectly sweet and tart.

For my entree, I kept it simple with a grilled cheese and tomato soup. This classic just hits the spot. Cheesy and creamy deliciousness.

What I was really looking forward to, though, was a slice of pie. Marionberry - which I had never had before - is one of their best sellers.

"The Oregon official state pie! In keeping with the expectation of this gloried berry, Shari’s Oregon Marionberry pie doesn’t disappoint. A marionberry is a cross between an olallieberry and a Chehalem blackberry and it’s grown exclusively in Oregon."

The berry pie has a nice balance of sweet and tart. It's not unlike a raspberry pie, but a little bit more unique.

Grade: A